The term globalization covers various aspects such as: political globalization, economic, cultural, security, knowledge and technology. One of these aspects has been established to Colombia on a global agenda in search of a democracy that protects and in principle solve the violation of human rights, combating illicit drugs and international organized crime among others, no less important is the sustainable development, environmental conservation and the eradication of absolute poverty. In the current scenario where it occurs in the Colombian economy and the international market globalization process and the progress of the various integration schemes have been very favorable, important results have been achieved as regards international relations at the global level; United States and the European Union have focused their attention on the main Colombian problems are a barrier to the country's development, problems such as the subordination of the public, discrediting the state, loss of life of society, armed conflict, lawlessness, drug trafficking and Similarly to the constant violation of human rights, which in any way engage in serious form positive incorporation of Colombia in the international market both in the current processes of globalization as the integration of the Americas.
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